Pet Food is the Main Focus in Central America
Midwestern Industries just returned from Kansas City, Missouri where the Petfood Forum and Exhibition was held. This was the first year the show was held in Kansas City and will remain in the location for the next four years. With the lively atmosphere it seemed like everyone in attendance enjoyed what the show had to offer.
Midwestern services the food industry with screening equipment and replacement screens which includes animal feed and grains, but this show allowed us to focus on connecting and pet food manufacturers and producers.
Our screening equipment can easily help size particles in various pet food-manufacturing processes. For higher capacities, Midwestern’s rectangular screening equipment can very effective and cost effective for large production. Fine screening can be achieved with many screening accessories found throughout our round screening machines. We met many potential customers that can use both in their production lines.
– Trouw Nutrition USA, LLC didn’t play fair…they had four new puppies in their booth attracting customers.
– The opening and closing keynotes were standing room only with Flying Houndz Frizbee Trick Dog show and Jackson Galaxy.
– Petfood Forum allows participants to download presentations to keep the information fresh and ready whenever attendees need to reference materials.
If you are pet food producer and interested in attending the show next year visit the website.
Check out some of the photos from our trip to the PetFood Forum: